various streamers - twitch branding

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Frickin_Red Stream Branding

Twitch stream overlays for Frickin_Red to reflect the RPG horror survival games she plays. She requested a dark, horror-based or gothic theme which included a knife and skulls. The knife became an integral part of the logo with ribbons added to soften the feel. 3d splashes of blood and black razorwire completed the look and to act as a linking asset between her starting soon screen, corner logo bug, social media banners, alerts, be right back and offline screens.

client: red
visit her stream

Aims Stream Branding

Triple G put me in touch with Aims who needed a rebrand. Her old name, I'm_Amethyst needed to change but she wanted to keep her gemstone roots. Keeping this in mind and her purple theme I wanted to create her something that represented her kind, peaceful and positive nature. We focus on a crystal "A" resembling praying hands under the northern lights over a pond of lotus flowers. These represent the viewers with the crystals they send skyward being a metaphor of channel points that are earned for viewing. As we travel through the main sculpture at the end we reveal her new name.

The intro created the graphical style for the rest of her rebrand: a thanks for watching loop, webcam frame, name overlays and alerts we made for the live stream. Stills from the opening movie we used for her banners. Separate images were made for her about me page.

client: Aims
visit her stream

FudgeXL Stream Branding
When Fudge asks if you can help with a rebrand how can you say no? Wanting a refresh and to look a touch more professional, Fudge's only two requests were to have no mascot and have bright, strong colours. So blood red macro shots of a pistol, sniper and assault rifle with exaggerated bump maps using a gold key light became the background for his live stream overlays and his starting soon screen. To add character a funky font over a red and white target for the logo.
client: Fudge
visit his stream

Bmacski Stream Branding
Bmacski likes Star Wars and the teams he supports wear orange and blue. Simple starting points for his stream graphic overlays and loops. Using laser-scanned geometry of his face with the hood from a Kylo Ren model I turned him into a Sith-like figure. His crescent shape is a nod to those of the Imperial Alliance and the Rebellion while Aurebesh, the galactic language and font of Star Wars, is used to translate the on-screen information.

client: Bmacski
visit his stream

K6 Starting Soon Screen
To thank K6 for helping set up his steam, Triple G asked if I could create some video as a present for him and suggested a Starting Soon loop. K6 plays Borderlands games so I flipped his logo to reveal the main characters in a stylistic nod to the game's cut scenes. Each appears with an elemental damage colour scheme in a sympathetic environment from the game. The Maliwan Takedown music provides the atmosphere as we wait for the stream to start.

client: K6
visit his stream

Mr Twister Illustration
A dual-SMG wielding tornado ripping through an american city for Mr Twister's online backgrounds.

client: Mr Twister

© mark hough / respective clients